
Atlanta Multiple Myeloma Support Groups



Links to these websites are provided for informational purposes only.

International Myeloma Foundation
The International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) is here to help everyone battling Myeloma - patients, families, friends, caregivers, and the medical and scientific communities.
Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University The myeloma program at the Winship Cancer Institute is recognized as a clinical and research leader in this cancer of blood plasma. There are many promising new therapies available at Winship and our team is available to speak with individuals and referring physicians about the best options for multiple myeloma treatment and cancer care. Location: The Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University 1365C Clifton Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Smart Patients Smart Patients is an online community where patients can discuss disease specific information.
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation Devoted to raising research funds towards finding a cure for MM. They also publish a newsletter entitled Myeloma Focus.
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Myeloma-specific site to help people affected by myeloma to more easily find information and resources specific to this disease.
National Cancer Institute A wide range of accurate, credible cancer information brought to you by The National Cancer Institute.
Myeloma Institute for Research & Therapy, ACRC The Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy, Arkansas Cancer Research Center at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, is probably the most well known myeloma center in the world.
Oncolink University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center
Cancer Online Access to full text articles (must register). Click "search articles" and then type "myeloma".
Patient Advocate Foundation "Insuring equal access to healthcare for all Americans". Assistance with any health/insurance-related issues.

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